Swedish children in daycare forced to attend PRIDE parade

About 120 children were forced during Thursday to attend a parade organised by the Swedish HBT-lobby in the city of Gothenburg.

This daycare-parade was organised for the second time in two years as a part of the sex-event West Pride. An event where adults belonging to different types of sexual minorities parade, usually half naked, on the streets of Gothenburg.
The children were told to say the slogan “who are you allowed to love – whoever you want”. When asked about why the daycare children were made to attend the event the daycare teacher Sara Ghazi said:
“We talk every day about human equality and that it doesn’t matter what sexuality or skin colour one has…”
The event is nothing more than a brainwashing program of innocent children. How the Swedish state allows the manipulation of children by degenerates is nothing short of the state allowing child-abuse. Children who aren’t mature enough to even read or write are forced to think that deviation from what is normal is acceptable at any cost. It is the undoing of a generation promoted by the Swedish society.
Unfortunately it’s not a matter of if, but rather a matter of when this sickening practice spreads to other European countries. It is up to us on the right to fight for these children and their right to have a childhood that isn’t surrounded by perverts and degenerates. No one else seems interested in saving their innocence. We simply cannot stand by and let this happen. We need to do everything in our power to stop this and it start by us taking to the streets and joining local organisations who are willing to make their voices heard.
The time for cowardly standing by due to fear of losing one's job or from the fear or losing a friend or two is over. It is now when each and every one of us needs to take a stand and do something. When children's innocence is under attack it’s a direct attack on the future of our countries. These children will one day be adults and some of them will have political power. Just imagine what a brainwashed leader will do in the future and it should be very clear why this has to be stopped.